BC Children’s Hospital

Responsive engagement in the clinical setting

Vancouver, Canada


As part of our patient wellness work, ngx brought the ocean into a Vancouver Emergency Room. Animated sea creatures react to visitor movement via touchless interactions enabled by camera vision. Designed in close collaboration with patient groups through an inclusive workshopping process, the responsive marine environment eases the waiting room experience for patients, parents, and antsy siblings.

The whole interface is scrubbable, and was designed to exceed the health and safety parameters that the clinical setting demands.

Scope Highlights

  • Responsive Environment
  • Camera Tracking
  • Original Animation
  • Creative Direction
  • Concept Design

Thanks to our project partner: Aesthetics Inc

Learn more about B.C. Children’s Hospital Healing Experience Project here. 

A visually arresting, large-scale depiction of a beautiful marine environment, this large-scale digital production, displayed on a bank of 9 HD screens (46”)in landscape orientation (3×3) – offers
interaction opportunities that support single or multiple (up to 6) users

Embarking on a series of prototyping and assessments, the ngx team interrogated assumptions about the visitor experience and expectations. Our approach ensured the production would successfully meet the needs of the BCCH environment, its patients and staff.